Apocalypse: A Spiritual Guide to the Second Coming

Apocalypse: A Spiritual Guide to the Second Coming is written to provide a clear spiritual history of the world from the fall of Lucifer to the present time. Based on a biblical understanding of the history of the world we will have a framework from which to understand the future. Unless we use what God has said about Himself, the World’s System, and the work of the devil we will interpret futuristic prophecies from our personal opinions or current events. This means we will face the most challenging time in human history without the facts we need in order to understand and respond in faith!

Spiritual Survival Guide Posts

Why would Americans Join ISIS?

Why would Americans Join ISIS?

This is, most definitely, a legitimate question. But the truth will never be found in a news media that distorts ALL THE FACTS about Islam and terrorism, nor will it be told by politicians who are voting to allow this to happen. When we heard that three men from...

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The elitists don’t want to win; they want us gone!

The elitists don’t want to win; they want us gone!

For 60 years Christians and conservatives have tried to live and let live but no matter what compromises were made it became increasingly clear the elitists don’t want to win, they want us gone! In the revolutionary ‘60s only the occasional activist actually stated...

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Mystery Babylon and Global Corruption

Mystery Babylon and Global Corruption

Mystery Babylon is the source of all occult, secret religious societies, false religions, cults, and corrupt governments. It embraces the lies that say God is harsh and judgmental and His commandments are the source of all pain in the world. It views Lucifer as the...

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The Father of all Lies

The Father of all Lies

We all know satan is the father of all lies, but what most don't know is how those lies alienate us from God. All corrupt doctrine about God was planted in earth by rebellious, “fallen” angels. The most corrupt alliance between man and the wicked one was the...

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The Rise of the Nephilim

The Rise of the Nephilim

In the book of Genesis the Bible makes what seems like a passing statement about a time when giants roamed the earth because of unholy relations between fallen angels and humans. This week you will discover the significance of the Rise of the Nephilim. You will...

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When Grace Reigns in the Darkness

When Grace Reigns in the Darkness

The Bible warns of a time when people's hearts fail them for fear and a time when there is a great falling away. But it also tells us we can know the devil's strategies and overcome! You don't have to fall; you don't even have to stumble no matter what is happening in...

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America and the End Times

America and the End Times

Most of what is taught about America in the end times will only serve to confuse, disempower, and lead people astray. Regardless of how or why America started, we have unwittingly become the single most influential world power that is facilitating the rise of the...

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When Grace Reigns

When Grace Reigns

When people talk about the end times there seems to only be discussion about how bad things will be, how powerful satan and the antichrist will become, and little mention of God and His power. The Bible tells us Where sin abounds, grace does much more abound!...

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Must See Videos

The Secret of the Bridegroom

 Jesus' pledge to come for His Bride Discover the secret of the Bridegroom. While we should all be looking for the rapture, we need not be overly concerned about when it will occur, but more concerned about our being ready for its occurrence. We should be like the...

Why are people so afraid of the End Times?

Jesus warned there would be tribulation coming. In fact, He warned that anyone who even intended to live a godly life would suffer persecution. Whether you believe it’s the end time or you simply realize that our government is growing progressively hostile toward...

How does America fit into the End Times?

If, in fact, America is the launching pad for the New World Order we must grasp these factors before we can look knowledgeably at end time prophecy. We will not interpret end time prophecy based on current events, but on the Word of God and how that has played out...

Secrets of the Giant Killers

Satan filled the earth with violent, perverted, cannibalistic, murderous giant beings that were so impressive and supernatural they were considered by many to be gods, or at least the off spring of gods. While so many surrendered, seeking self-preservation, others...

What Does the Bible Really Say About the Tribulation?

There are many Christians who believe all the horrible things that occur on Planet Earth are the product of God’s wrath for the sins of mankind. Those teachings are based on legalism and religion. The tribulation of the antichrist, which will last for 3½ years, is met...

What did Jesus say about preparing for the Last Days?

Why do so many people try to figure out every detail about what will happen during the Tribulation, yet pay so little attention to what Jesus said about the Last Days? Find out everything you need to know about the last days.

Scientific Proof that the Universe was Created in 6 Days

The theory of evolution upon which all Atheism hangs its proverbial hat cannot be proven. But now we know, based on the greatest scientific equations of the greatest scientific thinkers in the world, that the world was created in six 24-hour days. Our universe is...

Who were the Nephilim?

Genesis 6:4 tells us two important things about the giants (or Nephilim as they are called in Hebrew) There were not only Nephilim then (before the Flood), but later they became mighty men of renown. This prepares us for the fact that there were Nephilim after the...