Satanism: The Root of All Lawlessness

Satan cares not what form he takes or with whom he makes an alliance as long as the result is the destruction of that which God loves!

Introduction to Chapter 18:

SATANISM IS LIKE A CORPORATE CONGLOMERATE THAT HAS ITS TENTACLES IN SO MANY ENTITIES THAT WHAT APPEARS TO BE OFFERING OPTIONS AND FREEDOM OF CHOICE IS A RUSE. True freedom does not exist when one source is controlling all the options. The illusion of options is necessary to distract and pacify us as our lives is being overthrown. The illusion of freedom is one of the greatest of all seductions!

Spiritual Guide

(The Spiritual Guide section of each chapter should be reviewed after reading the corresponding chapter.)
One might decry, “You make it sound like there is evil everywhere!” My only reply is, “all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.” Yes, just as it was in the days of Noah, the entire world has been infected. This time it has not been with the seed of the Nephilim but with the teaching of the Nephilim, the Luciferian doctrine. Just as it was in the days of Noah, we are surrounded on every side. In the natural there is no hope for the believer. But we are not in the natural. We are in Christ! Our Savior and Lord will return and we will rule and reign with Him! The Bible warns us of these days. The signs of the times are everywhere. The Book of Revelation is unfolding before us and rather than prepare our hearts we prefer to fight against the truth. Those who fear reality make themselves victims to reality. They are like the inexperienced driver who obsessively over-focuses his attention on the oncoming car, thereby driving the car into a head-on collision.

We have to recognize these things but keep our eyes on Jesus and His promises or our hearts will fail us from fear! Wherever you focus your attention determines what grows in your experience. Forget about trying to figure it all out. Fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Follow His example; keep your attention on the final end, the prize that lies before us.

…let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:1-2)

We cannot really prepare for those days because we don’t knows exactly what any of us will face individually. We may live in different cities and countries. There are thousands of variables. The days ahead insist that we have oil in our lamps. We must hear and know His voice for ourselves. We can prepare for what could be some of the most phenomenal supernatural encounters ever witnessed by the world by simply connecting to God in our heart and following Him every day, in every situation.

When walking through the valley of the shadow of death the key is to know and trust the One you are following! Too often we want to lean to our own understanding. We want to trust what we know. We are going where no man other than Jesus has gone. He not only knows the way, He is the way and we can trust His leadership. In the original temptation man didn’t intend to reject God as his Creator, only as His Shepherd and Lord. But once he was overcome with fear he wasn’t willing to trust God. He began to trust his own intellect, ingenuity, and understanding. The rest is a history of corruption, self-deceit, personal destruction, and iniquity. Believing the truth starts with a choice. The choice brings us to personal experience and that bolsters our hope. We are never put to shame when we have true hope in God and His promises (Romans 5:1-5).

Surrendering every aspect of your life, holding nothing back, is opening the door to a relationship with Him as your Shepherd. Renewing your mind and aligning your knowledge and world view with His is another essential step in the process. Then surrendering your view and opinion to His in every aspect of life puts you in a non-antagonistic relationship with Him as Lord. As you follow His voice in your heart you will come increasingly ready and willing to follow Him in all things. You are ready to walk through the valley of the shadow of death with no fear or hesitation because you know the One you are following!